Xiamen Haicang Xiayang Primary School
Haicang Xiayang Primary School is located in the pilot sponge area of xiamen city, the total area 27000m², green area 8363.52m², so the green coverage is around 32%. The contents of sponge city transformation implemented by Tidelion are, transforming part of existing impermeable square, green land, rainwater inlet, rainwater stand pipe, and kerb stone; and new building of permeable pavement, permeable concrete, sunken lawn, biological retention belt, rainwater bottle, ecological drainage trench, infiltration trench, and PP module combination pool, etc. The total annual runoff control target of Sponge urban transformation is 70%, which means that 26.8 mm of rainwater do not flow away; Non-point source pollution control target: a 50% reduction in total suspended solids, and getting information of rainwater outward emission and rainwater recycling by smart monitoring system.